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Joining the Atwell Scout Group

Trialling, transferring and rejoining

2 week Trial

New to Scouts (Trialling)

If your child is interested in joining scouts, then we encourage them to come along and try us out with a free two week trial


Note that a young person can join Scouting at any stage (Joey, Cub, etc).  Please see the information below to determine which section is relevant to your child and to find the day and time the section normally meets.


To get started please note the following:


  • Be informed - read the information available on this website, including information about the different scouting sections & fees.


  • ScoutsWA Enquiry Form - In May 2024 Scouts WA introduced a new process to register for a trial and/or to join Scouts.  The first step is to complete and submit an Enquiry Form.  Please click the link below to open the Enquiry Form.





Please note that as this is a new process it may take a little longer to respond to you as we learn the new system.  If you have not heard from our Group and it has been 10 days since you submitted the enquiry form, send us a message using our Contact Form.


  • Attending - Please ensure that your child:

*  wears shoes.
*  applies mosquito repellent, and
*  brings a water bottle (with name written on the bottle). 


After the Trial

We hope your child has had a great time on their trial and is keen to continue on their adventure. 


To continue you will need to pay the (pro-rata) Term and Investiture fees prior to your child's next attendance.  [You should have received an invoice from our group during the trial period]. 


Also, once you have confirmed to us that your child will continue, ScoutsWA will issue you with an invoice for the ScoutsWA membership fee.


The final step is for the section leader to invest your child into the Atwell Scout Group.  This is done by way of a short ceremony where they will be presented with a scarf, woggle, badges, etc.  In the ceremony they will recite/repeat the Scout Promise -  there are two versions of the Promise - please let the section leader know your preferred version.

[Please note that your child will need to be wearing the relevant scout shirt, navy shorts/pants & shoes to be invested.]



If your child is wanting to transfer to Atwell Scout Group from another scouting group, please contact us.


There is no fee to transfer to our group - however other fees will apply, including the term fee and investment fee.  You must also be a financial member with ScoutsWA



If you have taken a break from our group and now wish to return, please contact us.


There is no fee to rejoin our group - however term fees will be payable. 


In addition, if your ScoutsWA membership has expired, we will reregister you and ScoutsWA will invoice you for annual membership.


© 2020 by Atwell Scout Group

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